On Wednesday the 13th of December the red carpet was rolled out for our biggest event of the year – The Juicies Awards 2023!

Finally back to being hosted in-person and onsite at Queensland Children’s Hospital, our 8th annual Juicies Awards was a celebration of the main hosts of Juiced TV throughout 2023.

Our Juiced TV Superstars had the chance to mingle with each other amongst while being entertained by dancers, princesses, and Bluey and Bingo for real life!

They were snapped by the paparazzi all night long and celebrated on stage for their contribution to Juiced TV’s 10th Season.


Special thanks to our Supporters and Partners.

Founding Partner: The Children’s Hospital Foundation

Major Sponsor: QSuper (a part of Australian Retirement Trust)

Event Sponsors:


– Talent Quarter

Event Supporters:

– BBC Studios

– Event Cinemas

– Sci-Fleet Toyota